Monday, February 18, 2008


how boring have i become. the blog posts i see here are impossibly boring. lifeless. meaningless. that's me. my thoughts. there used to be a time when i thought i could write. but what i see here disappoint me. i won't delete them though. why hide yourself? if i am boring, let it be. i can try and change but i won't hide it. you can't stand it? get out, please.
bindu was sharing a funny incident on the phone. she was disappointed that i didn't laugh. i was listening to her. and the joke did strike me. but i didn't laugh. i'm not sharing like before. am not open anymore. where am i? hello? has my head turned into a shell?
my head has perhaps stopped functioning at all. when i try to think all i feel is a burning sensation in my head. i know my problem. brain paralysis.
now what? some vodka, of course. cheers!

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