Monday, July 29, 2013

Ah, the freshness in the face of leaving a task undone -- Fernando Pessoa

Ah, the freshness in the face of leaving a task undone
-- Álvaro de Campos (Fernando Pessoa)

Ah, the freshness in the face of leaving a task undone!
To be remiss is to be positively out in the country!
What a refuge it is to be completely unreliable!
I can breathe easier now that the appointments are behind me.
I missed them all, through deliberate negligence,
Having waited for the urge to go, which I knew wouldn’t come.
I’m free, and against organized, clothed society.
I’m naked and plunge into the water of my imagination.
It’s too late to be at either of the two meetings where I should have been at the same time,
Deliberately at the same time...
No matter, I’ll stay here dreaming verses and smiling in italics.
This spectator aspect of life is so amusing!
I can’t even light the next cigarette... If it’s an action,

It can wait for me, along with the others, in the non-meeting called life.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I am an Indian
She is from Canada

I work in a multinational bank
She teaches Bharatanatyam to children

I love action movies and iPad games
She plays Indian classical music all day long

I am into gymming, I love to work out my body
She does yoga, says it helps her feel her body

I stay connected 24x7 and hate that she doesn't keep a mobile
She smiles and says meditation keeps her connected

I shrug
She smiles

We are foreigners
We love each other.


Another version...

I am an Indian
She is from Canada

I work in a multinational bank
She teaches Bharatanatyam to children

I love action movies and iPad games
She plays Indian classical music all day long

I am into gymming, I love to work out my body
She does yoga, says it helps her feel her body

I stay connected 24x7
and hate she doesn't keep a mobile

She says meditation keeps her connected
and bows in front of the temple

I sigh and say I'll wait outside
A seer waves his forefinger from top of the stairs:
Foreigners not allowed

I shrug
She smiles

We love each other
We are foreigners.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

A Challenge for Appu & Everyone Else...

OK, here is a game. There is one alphabet that I can't type now. Because the key is not working. You have to guess which one. Whatever I am writing here is without that particular letter. The faster or earlier you guess, the more points you win. Fair enough? Or, you think it's crazy? Anyways, just see how much time or how many sentences it takes you to realise which letter is missing in this note. So, be quick.

Now, you want a clue? I miss that alphabet in almost every line I write. For me, it is extremely tough to write without that letter. It makes me change my sentence structure. It makes me write in a style I am not familiar with. I am trying my best not to make it apparent. It's challenging. But very interesting too. Have you got it yet?

Of course I am not trying to make your task any easier by making sure I use all the other alphabets. Perhaps I will, by the time I am through with this.

This morning I took Appu to her school, for a workshop on photography. The learners were making a newsletter each in two groups. They were loving it, I saw. Tomorrow they will go to a park, early in the morning, to take pictures. Again in two groups. One will focus on trees, animals, joggers, etc. The other will concentrate on the history of the place. It will be interesting. Now I am sure you've got the missing alphabet. I can't go on without it. It's tiring. An now there is no power. Aircon is not working. :(

In fact, I guess I have all the other alphabets in here. So just go through the text again in case you are not yet sure. Or call me. Cheers!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Poet's Suicide Note

And I picked up a huge mirror
And I walked into the crowd
Of mad men digging their own graves
And yelled,
"Bastards, look here, look at you,
See what the fuck you're doing!"

And they, they looked through my mirror
And shouted in one big voice,
"There goes a loafer, catch him!"
And they broke my mirror and tore my clothes
They dragged me to the ground
And handed me a pickaxe and said,
"Lie low, you devil, dig your ditch,
Toil to death if you want to live!"

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Baudelaire's Toy of the Poor

The Toy of the Poor
-- Charles Baudelaire

I want to suggest an innocent diversion. So few amusements
involve no guilt!
When you go out in the morning, determined only to wander up
and down the highways, fill your pockets with little gadgets that cost
no more than a sou—like the flat puppet worked by a single string,
the blacksmith beating on an anvil, the rider and his horse, with a
tail that works as a whistle—and in front of taverns, or under the
trees, give them out as gifts to the unknown poor children you
encounter. At first, they won’t dare to take them; they won’t believe
their good fortune. But then their hands will eagerly snatch up
the present, and off they will flee, as cats do when they go far away
to eat the morsel you have given them, having learned to distrust
Down one road, behind the gate of an enormous garden, at the
back of which could be seen the whiteness of a pretty chateau struck
by the sun, stood a fine and fresh child, dressed in those country
clothes that are so coyly attractive.
Luxury, the absence of worry, and the habitual spectacle of wealth
make these children so pretty that one would think them made from
a different mold than the children of mediocrity or poverty.
Next to him on the grass lay a splendid toy, as fresh as its master,
gleaming and gilded, wearing a purple outfit, covered with little
feathers and glass beads. But the child was not playing with his
favorite toy; instead, this is what he was watching:
On the other side of the gate, on the road, among the thistles and
nettles, there was another child, dirty, puny, soot-covered, one of
those pariah-animals in which an impartial eye would detect beauty
if, like the eye of the connoisseur detecting an ideal painting beneath
a layer of varnish, he could wash off the repulsive patina of poverty.
Through this symbolic barrier separating two worlds, that of the
highway and that of the chateau, the poor child was showing his
own toy to the rich one, who examined it eagerly as if it were some
rare and unknown object. Now, this toy that the dirty little child was
provoking, tossing and shaking in a box with a grate—was a live rat!
The parents, through economy no doubt, had taken the toy directly
from life itself.
And the two children laughed with each other fraternally, smiling
with teeth of an equal whiteness.

-- Charles Baudelaire, Paris Spleen

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

What the fuck?

Long, long ago, in our college days
we drunken radicals,
smokers, lovers and sports fans,
living what we still call ‘the life’,
would often say,

Hey let’s not waste our lives,
let’s a couple of us work at a time
and let’s the rest of us live in merry

At forty plus it’s too late to go back
but it’s true I feel more insecure and unsure,
wasted and spent, more than ever,
growing addicted to money with every pay rise,
luxuries turning necessities day after day.
What the fuck?

My next car is an Audi, after that Bentley,
my iPad keeps me connected
to my clients and my bosses
who of course keep the world spinning
through butcher houses and cock-fight clubs.
What the fuck?

They say work is worship,
I say whatever it’s a waste of time
I miss ethics, I lack passion–
to teach and heal are businesses,
news is what entertains the well-off.
What the fuck?

They say unemployment’s big challenge,
I say bullshit, man has toiled enough,
now let robots and machines do the job.
Why would I do a thing that a software can?
To live, to make money, they say.
What the fuck?

Wait a minute, world, take a break.
Where are we going? What’s there ahead?
Why do we make, sell and buy things all the time?
Is that the only way to live?
What the fuck?

All the deaths, the calamities, tragedies and wars…
life is an accident,
perhaps a gift, perhaps just a chance–
now me, now what?
Yet I make this stupid product,
convince you to buy it,
and fool ourselves saying it’s a boom!
What the fuck?

Hey let’s not waste our lives,
let’s some of us work at a time
and let’s the rest of us live in merry
