It's been a while. A long while. A year, perhaps. Perhaps more. A friend just asked me why people blog. I said it was to write or display (he's a designer and an illustrator) whatever you felt like. But I was defensive, I sort of disassociated myself from the blogging crowd. Of course am not really a blogger. Still there's something wrong with my attitude. I'm always on the defensive and disassociate myself from whatever I talk about. The otherday somebody asked me if I meditated. The way I said no, she thought I was being defensive. I thought I wasn't but I know it's extremely difficult for me to completely associate myself with something. Except for my family. And to some extend drunks. If it's a positive thing or negative, I don't know. Aloofness can be good too, I think.
Well, does anybody in the world really care about what I'm talking about? I don't think so. So? So, why am I blabbering about myself? I don't know. I don't need to. :)
The beauty of blog, this blog, is that I don't have to worry about what I say. What I say here is something anybody can read but perhaps nobody would. So at the same time I am talking to everybody and nobody but me. It's both a letter and a diary. And since am an irregular, almost non-existent blogger, I would rather treat it as a diary. An open diary that I'm keeping in the library. Only, you won't find it in the catalogue. And I don't have to be defensive. :)
By the way (now it's an open letter), dear imaginary friend who's been following my postings and is interested in the developments in my life, Appu (that's what we call Anosha at home) is two years and three months now. She's an angel and a lovely menace who always pisses in her pants, throws her food, fights for toys, cries for nothing, insists on sitting on my lap when I'm driving and nonchallantly asks me to bugger off when she's sleepy and wants to be breastfed (when she wants to play with me she gives that to Bindu) and is smart enough to demand that "bad" toy when we are on the street.
I've switched jobs again. Am back at ET with a better pay packet and designation but doing more or less (in fact, less) the same thing I used to before I left. (I hope I would develop new skills before I price myself out of the job market.) Bindu has started working too. So we are a double-income-one-kid family. I leave Appu at Bindu's parents on my way to work (am on permanent late shift) and Bindu picks her up on her way back from work.That's our life like right now.
Good day.